Our vision for you
Imagine finding and travelling the path that led to the happiest and most fulfilled life you could have. That’s the vision we want to make real for our clients at Kipapa. To travel that path, you’ll need to learn where you are now, what resources you’ve got, where you want to get to, and what you need to get there. You’ll need to identify obstacles, then explore and learn as you go. You’ll take some wrong turns. You won’t overcome every obstacle, but you’ll learn to get around or live with the obstacles you can’t overcome. You’ll make the most of your potential given your situation.

How can we at Kipapa help you find, and travel, that path? We can map the landscape of your life and locate the people or solutions that can help you progress. We can help you prioritise and plan. We can use our experience from people in similar situations to guide you. We can help you get away from the problems that have made you unhappy. We can help you get closer to the life you want. And we can make the process as positive as possible, so you want to make the journey and you enjoy it.

We can do all this because we can build a life landscape for each client using our proprietary Psycnav™ software, we can draw on our database of solutions, and we can translate personal development into an inspiring story for you, using our Journeybuilding® approach. Call us to see what we can do for you.

Our vision for the world
Imagine a world where everyone could find and travel the path to the happiest and most fulfilled life they could have. It would be a world filled with people who’d take better care of each other and their environment. Perhaps the most astonishing difference between our world and that ideal world, is that here, for all our sophistication, we haven’t yet made a complete map of the human landscape, so we can‘t see the relationships between the problems we face either as individuals or as a society. Without a good enough map of human problems, it’s going to be difficult to make systematic progress..

Instead, we are in a world which reduces human problems to health problems – hence the term “mental illness”, the over-reliance on diagnoses and medication, and the burnout of health professionals, who face the hopeless task of trying to resolve within patients’ bodies problems that come from outside their bodies. In our world, “mental illness” is a growing problem. Journeybuilding® offers an alternative 10 steps that could help us get to a better world:
- Think of human problems as obstacles in a landscape, rather than as “mental illnesses”.
- Map that landscape as a matrix inhabited by purposeful beings who are processing information and resources to meet their needs over time
- Map professions, solutions, providers, & resources, to know who & what can help whom, where.
- Show how each client’s problems are pathways & networks, not isolated disorders.
- Offer solutions as close as possible to where a client’s problems are on the map.
- Map out solution pathways for each client, rather than just using standard routes.
- Help clients move to more positive pathways and build more positive networks.
- Turn treatments into hopeful travel stories that clients can learn, remember and perform for themselves.
- Teach clients what will work for them, rather than expecting them to rediscover it for themselves by trial and error.
- Treat personal development as lifelong, not something that stops as soon as a person gets out of a hole.

Seen as a journey, the personal development process becomes clear: Map people’s problems and their resources. Help people work out who they are, what they have, where they want to get to in life and what they need to get there. Identify problems as obstacles and draw paths over or around them. Prioritise problems. Find solutions near problems. Teach people to use solutions to overcome their problems in order. Help people join with others to overcome their shared problems. Get feedback. Update knowledge. Repeat.
That’s the Kipapa Vision: we’re combining Journeybuilding® with Psynopsis™, our software platform that one day we hope will be able to help almost anybody to deal with their problems and reach their potential. We’re combining therapy, counselling, coaching and training. We’re merging schools of thought. We’re spanning the smallest and largest of problems. We’re aiming to address the whole range of human needs. We’re translating technical knowledge into knowledge anyone can use. We’re doing this for ourselves, and for everyone. Call us to talk to find out what we can do for you or your organisation.